biography for any band
Formed out of boredom and a genuine desire to:
- strut
- rock out
- perform
- make your mother proud
- make your parents pay for the crime of giving you life
- vent
- pick up girls and guys because you are an ordinarily hopeless fuck
in this regard and it seems easier than getting an attractive, genuine
- think your opinion, expressed through music is far more necessary
or important than anyone else
- exploit your A.D.D.
- show your friends up at the annual school reunion Oh, so youre
a successful banker, Well Im a hopeless cunt living on noodles
in a rats nest. Just keepin it real man
- Compare notes with other bands and wrap yourself up in the notion
that you are finally a part of something
- have something, anything common with another useless group of self
indulgent, opinionated excrement
- use words like entertain, express, artist and ignore the fact youre
just contributing to an ugly self serving beast of an industry.
Accepting the facts above and still willing to move on and under no
delusions of ever being U2 because:
- the position of a soulless, repetitive, jingle machine, pontificating
bullshit-mixed messages of wealth distribution while still
being one of the richest bands in the world, is already filled...
- its much easier finding fault with other peoples art
than doing anything special of our own.
So far, thats it. But stand by for a whole list of bullshit-dreams
and inspirational ideals. At the end of the day kids, its just another
fucking band.